1.   Ample sunshine will boost temperatures from very cool readings Monday morning in the Southeast.

2.   Abundant sunshine will boost temperatures to comfortable levels by afternoon.

3.   Abundant sunshine will boost afternoon readings to seasonal levels.

4.   Abundant sunshine will boost temperatures above normal from the deserts of the Southwest to the southern California coast.

5.   After a chilly dawn in the East Coast states, plentiful sunshine will boost temperatures near or above seasonal values in most locations.

6.   After a cool morning, sunshine will boost readings above normal from the Plains to the West Coast.

7.   After a chilly start with scattered frost, abundant sunshine will boost temperatures to seasonal levels across much of the Northeast and Middle Atlantic states.

8.   After a cool dawn in interior sections, ample sunshine will boost temperatures near or above seasonal levels in most of the Northeast states.

9.   After a cool dawn, abundant sunshine will boost temperatures to comfortably warm levels this afternoon in most of the South.

10.   After a cool start, abundant sunshine will boost afternoon temperatures to near seasonal levels in the Great Lakes and Northeast.

n. + boost >>共 729
rate 4.81%
dollar 4.16%
company 3.24%
price 2.44%
step 2.41%
government 2.08%
gain 1.79%
report 1.68%
yen 1.39%
cost 1.28%
sunshine 0.95%
sunshine + v. >>共 118
be 29.80%
prevail 9.40%
return 7.28%
cover 5.70%
dominate 4.24%
boost 3.44%
yield 3.18%
mix 2.78%
occur 2.25%
fade 1.85%
每页显示:    共 26