1.   For a cranky old revolutionary, though, Geisel did seem to mellow in his sunset years.

2.   George sees a modern parallel to historic Hawaiian culture, in which surfers rode waves into their sunset years.

3.   Having lost four of her nine children, Mrs. Kennedy had to endure in her sunset years the death of a grandchild as well.

4.   Meanwhile, he and Spock will stroll into their sunset years together.

5.   Millions of Americans have almost nothing besides Social Security and Medicare to sustain them in their sunset years.

6.   Senior citizen has had its day, as have golden years and sunset years.

7.   They are providing for their sunset years by running an extortion scheme.

8.   To the surprise of almost no one, though, except possibly herself, Graham has added a splash of literary fizz to her sunset years.

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sunset + n. >>共 66
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