1.   At last the sun sank into the sea and night arose.

2.   Gradually, the sun sank below the horizon.

3.   In one dip in the mountains, where the sun has just sunk, there is a red volcanic brilliance.

4.   Shadows began to lengthen as the sun sank in the sky.

5.   The sun sank and darkness fell on the island.

6.   The sun sank lower and the breeze grew cool.

7.   The sun was just sinking behind the dark mountains.

8.   The sun was sinking behind the coconut palms.

9.   The sun was sinking in a red glow, the lights were coming out in Eldercombe Village.

10.   The sun slowly sank down in the sky and disappeared behind the hills.

n. + sink >>共 624
ship 8.77%
boat 7.91%
price 4.26%
heart 4.21%
stock 3.40%
vessel 2.97%
ferry 2.49%
sun 1.72%
economy 1.46%
future 1.16%
sun + v. >>共 361
be 13.66%
shine 12.03%
come 7.86%
rise 7.05%
set 6.53%
go 5.20%
begin 2.44%
beat_down 1.81%
sink 1.48%
break 1.37%
每页显示:    共 40