1.   She watched when the sun dipped away and let darkness come with its moon riding high and silver.

2.   The sun had dipped below the horizon, leaving only a soft golden glow in the air.

3.   The sun has dipped beneath the horizon, leaving behind a pink glow joined by a crescent moon.

4.   We watched the sun dip below the horizon.

5.   The sun dipped below the horizon.

6.   As the sun dipped behind the trees, and then below the western hill, the prospects of the night became a silent issue.

7.   As the arm wrestlers struggled into the early evening, the sun dipped behind the masts of the boats and the overhead FDR Drive.

8.   As the sun dips into the Mediterranean, casting long shadows in Kfar Chabad, Katia plays on the jungle gym outside.

9.   Before we knew it, the sun was dipping behind the stone parapets.

10.   All eyes will focus on a toppled boulder that marks, within a quarter of a degree, the exact spot where the sun dips below the horizon.

n. + dip >>共 281
price 12.88%
temperature 5.98%
stock 4.38%
dollar 3.59%
sun 2.52%
soybean 1.99%
market 1.86%
corn 1.86%
sale 1.73%
future 1.73%
sun + v. >>共 361
be 13.66%
shine 12.03%
come 7.86%
rise 7.05%
set 6.53%
go 5.20%
begin 2.44%
beat_down 1.81%
sink 1.48%
break 1.37%
dip 0.70%
每页显示:    共 19