1.   I feel the wind on my face and the first drops of a summer rain shower falling on my hair.

2.   That afternoon, between summer showers, we walked disconsolately through the streets.

3.   As often as not over the years, the inquiries have passed like a summer shower.

4.   Even in a steady drizzle, or through a summer shower, everything in Kezmarok was within easy walking distance.

5.   He had hardly begun to speak when the sky darkened and a late summer shower exploded into a drenching downpour.

6.   It is only a summer shower -- but Allmon, is still waiting for the deluge.

7.   Near Dallas, Monday was a testament to the fickle ways of summer showers.

8.   Readers sent along plenty of salad recipe options to fill the Sherman Oaks request for delicious and easy possibilities to serve at a summer shower.

9.   Summer showers and downpours are upon us, which can mean a mess on our windshields.

10.   The mountain air following a quick summer shower is so bright that the light seems to snap between land and sky.

n. + shower >>共 120
snow 36.41%
rain 29.91%
morning 6.10%
valley 3.98%
baby 3.18%
mountain 3.05%
sunnyow 1.33%
summer 0.93%
weekend 0.86%
steam 0.86%
summer + n. >>共 1039
season 3.84%
vacation 3.69%
camp 3.58%
month 3.30%
day 2.17%
heat 1.95%
capital 1.75%
job 1.63%
recess 1.55%
home 1.53%
shower 0.11%
每页显示:    共 14