1.   After assessment by the child care officer or reception centre, the child is placed in a suitable substitute home.

2.   For some reason, Heat Coach Pat Riley was not a suitable substitute as incentive for the Bulls.

3.   Happily, the two found a suitable substitute.

4.   If Gore bolts the ticket, Alexander would be a suitable substitute because, like Gore, he is a former Tennessee statewide elected official whom nobody knows.

5.   Others are unconvinced that the new drugs will be suitable substitutes -- or even necessary.

6.   Since I did not consume soft drinks, Coke was not a suitable substitute.

7.   The alternative was to buy exotic hardwoods that nobody had ever heard of in the hope of convincing people that the lumber was a suitable substitute for better-known types.

8.   They can throw on the side, but it is not a suitable substitute for game conditions.

9.   Hamid said the committe told Bannaga that no one in his ministry should remove any house of worship or school unless a suitable substitute has been provided.

10.   Shortly before the match umpires and players realised there were no balls available and went rummaging through practice kits to find suitable substitutes.

a. + substitute >>共 311
poor 7.30%
good 7.04%
fat 5.31%
late 3.45%
close 1.59%
possible 1.59%
cheap 1.59%
acceptable 1.46%
adequate 1.46%
perfect 1.33%
suitable 1.33%
suitable + n. >>共 713
site 4.40%
replacement 3.26%
candidate 2.96%
place 2.90%
donor 1.93%
location 1.69%
material 1.51%
land 1.39%
accommodation 1.15%
partner 1.15%
substitute 0.60%
每页显示:    共 10