1.   Cook over medium heat, stirring until sugar dissolves.

2.   Repeat the same process, until all the sugar has dissolved.

3.   Stir in remaining ingredients and gently cook, stirring until sugar dissolves.

4.   Stir until the sugar dissolves.

5.   Stir until the sugar has dissolved.

6.   Sugar dissolves in water.

7.   When the sugar has completely dissolved, increase the heat until the liquid turns a pale caramel.

8.   Stir with a metal spoon until the sugar has dissolved.

9.   Heat gently until the sugar dissolves.

n. + dissolve >>共 336
sugar 17.05%
president 5.54%
government 3.13%
gelatin 2.41%
partnership 1.85%
parliament 1.56%
yeast 1.42%
marriage 1.14%
dream 0.99%
emir 0.99%
sugar + v. >>共 141
be 25.10%
dissolve 23.53%
melt 3.73%
have 2.35%
caramelize 2.16%
begin 1.37%
say 1.37%
turn 1.37%
become 1.18%
come 1.18%
每页显示:    共 119