1.   Michael Joyce had not suffered financial ruin by his second emigration.

2.   He suffered financial ruin.

3.   They wanted to see Newt Gingrich suffer financial ruin.

4.   He suffered financial ruin that led him to pawn two Super Bowl Rings and left him homeless for a while on the streets of Nashville.

v. + ruin >>共 139
face 11.08%
visit 8.38%
bring 3.59%
mean 3.59%
search 3.59%
see 3.29%
spell 2.69%
tour 2.40%
find 1.80%
leave 1.50%
suffer 1.20%
suffer + n. >>共 514
injury 14.82%
loss 7.15%
damage 4.80%
stroke 4.37%
casualty 3.35%
setback 2.94%
burn 2.66%
most 2.51%
concussion 2.40%
wound 2.38%
ruin 0.03%
每页显示:    共 4