1.   The sudden influx of families needing work and housing caused some problems at first.

2.   The company has had a sudden influx of capital.

3.   Also perplexing is the sudden influx of tobacco dialog.

4.   At the time, Florida Democratic Gov. Lawton Chiles was facing a tough re-election campaign and Florida voters were nervous about a sudden influx of Cuban refugees.

5.   A sudden influx of cold water into a hot boiler can cause it to crack.

6.   A sudden influx of people, commodities, and new technologies into the global market has kept prices down, even for old inflation villain -- energy costs.

7.   Aid workers say the sudden influx of refugees appears to have taken U.N. officials by surprise.

8.   By Friday night, in fact, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights was reporting a sudden influx of young male Kosovars into Macedonia and Albania.

9.   Long-time players who lived in Burbank all their lives noticed a sudden influx of new players and wondered how they got there.

10.   Now, the agency can routinely conduct job raids and check on anonymous tips from, say, people who notice a sudden influx of immigrants in their neighborhood.

a. + influx >>共 121
huge 9.56%
massive 9.39%
large 8.70%
sudden 6.83%
new 6.66%
expected 4.44%
recent 4.44%
possible 3.92%
steady 3.07%
growing 2.56%
sudden + n. >>共 1030
change 4.80%
surge 2.44%
departure 1.50%
burst 1.48%
drop 1.45%
loss 1.45%
rise 1.43%
shift 1.43%
increase 1.26%
appearance 1.22%
influx 0.94%
每页显示:    共 40