1.   Work and method study is essential in the successful operation of a bonus scheme.

2.   This was a very successful operation.

3.   He had a successful operation in December but suffered problems with his shoulder socket while training at the start of last month.

4.   But, despite this, four months later Scott and Chorley were allegedly involved in a second successful smuggling operation along with another man Michael Walker.

5.   Their future is inextricably linked with our successful operations.

6.   And foreign companies with successful operations in Japan have no desire to see cutthroat competition.

7.   But there have been successful U.N. operations in Africa.

8.   But there are numerous successful operations inspired by the Grameen bank.

9.   Canal Plus also operates a highly successful pay-TV operation in France with almost four million subscribers.

10.   Combined Bosnian Army and Croatian Defense Council units are apparently enjoying their first successful military operation in two years southeast of the town of Vares.

a. + operation >>共 1080
military 10.21%
peacekeeping 4.68%
special 2.08%
day-to-day 2.01%
joint 1.73%
international 1.64%
major 1.20%
new 1.11%
normal 1.00%
overseas 0.97%
successful 0.46%
successful + n. >>共 1942
career 2.74%
business 1.85%
campaign 1.70%
surgery 1.48%
businessman 1.47%
season 1.36%
company 1.33%
effort 1.26%
program 1.16%
candidate 1.07%
operation 0.89%
每页显示:    共 82