1.   This continued success will help progress the accumulations towards commercial development.

2.   And their very success has helped to shatter the expectation that an outstanding college player should take school seriously.

3.   Barak, who was in London Wednesday to meet with Prime Minister Tony Blair, needs the diplomatic success to help bolster his fragile parliamentary coalition.

4.   But although the state appeared to be leaning Democratic for the presidential ticket, Gore did not seem to have much success helping other candidates.

5.   But his success helped inspire some ferocious competition, especially from Ludwig Konemann, his former partner turned rival.

6.   But that success has helped erode viewership of live sporting events.

7.   Early success will help his confidence immensely.

8.   Even better, those successes have helped revive, at least temporarily, the sagging fortunes of Warner Brothers, its co-producers on the films.

9.   Hall said that success helped his cause in a way, but in another sense, winning actually worked against him.

10.   Here is how the recent foreign-policy successes might, just possibly, help to turn the tide for the Democrats.

n. + help >>共 1529
government 1.38%
program 1.12%
money 1.11%
rate 1.05%
dollar 0.99%
move 0.96%
company 0.83%
group 0.62%
system 0.62%
technology 0.59%
success 0.11%
success + v. >>共 404
be 30.81%
come 7.89%
depend 6.10%
have 3.55%
make 2.08%
bring 1.94%
mean 1.64%
lead 1.54%
seem 1.17%
go 1.13%
help 1.06%
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