1.   As middle-class families have left for suburban parishes, the city schools have been largely filled by poor minority students who are not Catholic.

2.   He buys the food from money donated to his order when the friars preach at suburban parishes, or receives it from individuals and businesses.

3.   New suburban parishes often did not include schools and many families flocked to public facilities.

4.   She has also picked up supporters from suburban parishes, who feel inspired.

5.   Still, a good chance for responsible reform of the church recently emerged from a suburban Boston parish.

6.   Geneva police arrested Emmanuel Rukundo, a former Rwandan army chaplain and ordained Catholic priest who leads the suburban Geneva parish of Grange-Canal.

7.   He joked that his aides had written the wrong name down on his notes of a Rome suburban parish whose members were in the audience.

8.   Members of a Melbourne suburban parish have retaliated over the sacking of their vicar by moving to impeach the Anglican Primate of Australia, Melbourne Archbishop Dr. Keith Rayner.

a. + parish >>共 163
local 11.85%
new 6.16%
catholic 5.21%
rural 4.27%
small 3.79%
roman_catholic 3.08%
suburban 1.90%
urban 1.90%
individual 1.66%
neighbouring 1.66%
suburban + n. >>共 660
home 7.03%
area 4.91%
school 3.00%
neighborhood 2.93%
district 2.72%
community 2.51%
sprawl 2.26%
mall 2.01%
train 1.84%
house 1.77%
parish 0.28%
每页显示:    共 8