1.   And the largest, most astonishing suburban mall in the world is right here at the edge of the Twin Cities.

2.   And this year, NASCAR began branching out into theme restaurants and merchandising outlets in suburban malls.

3.   At about the same time, stores began to move out of the area and into suburban malls.

4.   At large suburban malls, one developer usually owns the entire project.

5.   At the same time, those mouse ears terrify some people who see the aspirations of the urban middle class swiftly sinking beneath the values that govern suburban malls.

6.   But long ago, the village center shifted to suburban malls and corporate campuses, and now churches are shifting, too.

7.   By comparison, photo-sticker kiosks represent a slick entertainment experience that one might expect in a superstore or suburban mall.

8.   By day, April is a mild-mannered accountant at J.C. Penney in a suburban mall.

9.   Christmas music plays in the background on city streets and in suburban malls.

10.   Crime and suburban malls are killing once-elegant downtown shopping venues like Eloff Street here.

a. + mall >>共 249
pedestrian 13.46%
suburban 6.34%
local 5.78%
new 5.34%
regional 3.67%
big 2.56%
crowded 2.56%
downtown 2.34%
upscale 1.78%
online 1.33%
suburban + n. >>共 660
home 7.03%
area 4.91%
school 3.00%
neighborhood 2.93%
district 2.72%
community 2.51%
sprawl 2.26%
mall 2.01%
train 1.84%
house 1.77%
每页显示:    共 57