1.   Hunting and gathering is a subsistence economy which means that production only meets basic survival needs.

2.   Subsistence economies sometimes achieve a low-grade stability by the very poverty of the general standard of living.

3.   Building up the subsistence economies of the Third World anchors those populations, creates markets for US goods, and jobs here.

4.   Cuban officials now say that after several harsh years of a subsistence economy following the end of support from the former Soviet Union, the economy is growing.

5.   Rapidly growing economies like China and Brazil have far greater capacity to absorb the overhead in creating vaccines than subsistence economies like Bhutan and Somalia.

6.   The money, if spent wisely, could transform East Timor from a subsistence economy dependent on foreign handouts to one with real options for development and growth.

7.   Niger, an arid West African country that ranks among the poorest places in the world, is struggling to maintain little more than a subsistence economy.

8.   While the refugees have placed an undoubted extra burden on the local subsistence economy, feelings about the Chechens are mixed.

n. + economy >>共 313
market 28.36%
world 22.88%
fuel 8.00%
free-market 2.72%
member 2.18%
year 2.15%
command 1.87%
farm 1.50%
high-tech 1.29%
service 1.12%
subsistence 0.27%
subsistence + n. >>共 54
farmer 27.24%
farming 15.30%
level 10.45%
agriculture 7.09%
wage 4.85%
economy 2.99%
farm 2.99%
payment 2.24%
hunting 1.49%
allowance 1.12%
每页显示:    共 8