1.   Did you suborn perjury?

2.   He or she or they seem to have been suborning perjury, tampering with a witness and using Monica Lewinsky as an accessory in obstructing justice.

3.   He raised the possibility that one of the lawyers had suborned perjury and that another had knowingly introduced false statements at the hearing.

4.   If so, he committed the crime of suborning perjury.

5.   Independent counsel Kenneth Starr is investigating the president and his friend, Vernon Jordan, on allegations of suborning perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statements.

6.   Most analysts believe that suggestions that the President either perjured himself or suborned perjury from Monica Lewinsky would qualify.

7.   Numerous illegal leaks painted the mysterious talking points as the proof that the president or his staff attempted to suborn the perjury of Monica Lewinsky or Linda Tripp.

8.   No more pretense about obstructing justice or suborning perjury.

9.   That Clinton dallied with a starstruck female intern, and then suborned perjury to try to get her to lie about it?

10.   That source, who is familiar with the proceedings, said little time was spent actually pursuing lines of questioning on allegations that Clinton suborned perjury.

v. + perjury >>共 36
commit 75.38%
suborn 5.00%
admit 2.31%
include 1.54%
prove 1.54%
allege 1.15%
define 0.77%
believe 0.77%
encourage 0.77%
investigate 0.77%
suborn + n. >>共 6
perjury 68.42%
witness 10.53%
interest 5.26%
politician 5.26%
secretary 5.26%
terrorism 5.26%
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