1.   Bush has not yet submitted a nominee for U.S. attorney for Kansas.

2.   He also asked them to submit all nominees to the SEC for approval.

3.   If no candidate receives a majority vote from the board of directors, the executive committee will submit one nominee to the board in November.

4.   Officials hope to submit a nominee to the White House early next month.

5.   So far the regional leaders have been divided in their support for Chernomyrdin, with a significant bloc emerging on Thursday that called for Yeltsin to submit another nominee.

6.   The company, though, submitted the nominees to a committee that will review the candidates for future consideration.

7.   African countries submitted four nominees for the top U.N. post Friday after African leaders ended a summit without announcing a single candidate to succeed Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

8.   Competing political parties on Saturday morning submitted rival nominees for the premiership and proposed government coalitions to the speaker of the House of Representatives.

9.   Macaranas said the Philippines hopes all nominees will be submitted by the end of March.

10.   The president has two weeks to submit a nominee to the Duma.

v. + nominee >>共 175
choose 7.53%
reject 6.65%
select 5.43%
announce 5.25%
confirm 5.25%
pick 3.50%
support 2.98%
approve 2.80%
block 2.45%
submit 2.28%
submit + n. >>共 490
report 8.27%
proposal 7.79%
resignation 6.13%
bid 6.11%
plan 5.26%
application 4.20%
bill 2.55%
list 1.97%
name 1.97%
request 1.86%
nominee 0.24%
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