1.   Reinfarction rates did not differ significantly between aspirin alone and aspirin plus subcutaneous heparin groups.

2.   Overall, their mortality rate was higher than that of patients who received subcutaneous heparin but lower than that of those receiving no heparin.

3.   Once aspirin and thrombolysis are given, however, the additional benefit of delayed subcutaneous heparin seems limited.

a. + heparin >>共 12
intravenous 39.39%
subcutaneous 15.15%
delayed 6.06%
discontinuing 6.06%
injectable 6.06%
prescribing 6.06%
thinner 6.06%
anti-coagulant 3.03%
anticoagulant 3.03%
appropriate 3.03%
subcutaneous + n. >>共 15
fat 29.03%
heparin 16.13%
injection 9.68%
mastectomy 6.45%
tissue 6.45%
anthrax 3.23%
blood 3.23%
body 3.23%
eruption 3.23%
haematomata 3.23%
每页显示:    共 5