1.   Included in the festivities will be historical re-enactments, trick roping, mounted horse events, and stunt shows.

2.   The show will feature freestyle stunt shows, an international bike trials competition and an indoor track to test mountain-bike technology.

3.   These include lavish stunt shows, elaborate parades and enough fireworks to madden every dog in Greater Los Angeles.

4.   Three times a day, many visitors break to watch the Kawasaki Jet Ski stunt show, in which several riders perform in the Wave Cove.

n. + show >>共 541
television 9.42%
radio 5.84%
trade 4.63%
fashion 3.98%
gun 3.91%
record 3.14%
news 2.64%
air 2.23%
poll 2.17%
award 2.16%
stunt 0.04%
stunt + n. >>共 79
work 13.68%
coordinator 9.47%
double 6.32%
pilot 5.79%
performer 3.16%
plane 3.16%
growth 2.11%
casting 2.11%
driver 2.11%
consumer 2.11%
show 2.11%
每页显示:    共 4