1.   Cook separately, or use to stuff a turkey.

2.   If you stuffed the turkey, remove the stuffing and store separately.

3.   Will you stuff the turkey and shove it in the oven for me?

4.   Add all other ingredients and stuff turkey.

5.   Do not stuff your turkey the night before you roast it.

6.   Food professionals advise against stuffing the turkey for safety reasons.

7.   Food professionals advise against stuffing the turkey.

8.   If I had control of the Thanksgiving dinner I would stuff a turkey with chili and cheese sauce.

9.   If you opt to stuff the turkey, prepare the stuffing and stuff the turkey just before it goes into the oven.

10.   If stuffing turkey, spoon stuffing into main cavity.

v. + turkey >>共 180
stuff 5.43%
roast 5.25%
cook 5.07%
place 4.53%
carve 3.99%
use 3.26%
eat 3.26%
remove 3.08%
have 2.36%
buy 2.17%
stuff + n. >>共 418
envelope 4.18%
turkey 3.39%
animal 2.48%
run 2.03%
body 1.69%
mouth 1.58%
bag 1.58%
bird 1.47%
paper 1.35%
money 1.35%
每页显示:    共 30