1.   Blood cells drawn from study volunteers will be exposed, in the laboratory, to HIV.

2.   For one thing, as the study volunteers adjusted to their artificial circumstances, their sleep patterns relaxed into distinct phases.

3.   His conclusions were reflected in a consent form signed by Roche and the other study volunteers.

4.   Study volunteers need to understand the risks and benefits of the clinical trial.

5.   Study volunteers found the inquiry as fascinating as the scientific investigators.

6.   There were no harmful side effects reported by the study volunteers.

7.   The study volunteer, who had been healthy before participating, died one month after inhaling hexamethonium, a blood pressure medication known to restrict airways.

n. + volunteer >>共 150
campaign 8.33%
student 7.80%
community 5.11%
parent 4.57%
hospital 2.96%
museum 2.42%
relief 2.15%
woman 2.15%
school 2.15%
rescue 1.88%
study 1.88%
study + n. >>共 426
group 12.12%
show 5.73%
program 4.45%
result 3.73%
participant 2.71%
center 2.46%
habit 2.05%
class 1.84%
area 1.79%
period 1.69%
volunteer 0.36%
每页显示:    共 7