1.   A great many studies are now available.

2.   Are these studies scientifically sound?

3.   Bateson now argued that the direct study of variation was the only way of trying to understand how evolution actually works.

4.   But even with the field limited in this way, an exhaustive study is out of the question.

5.   Eye movement studies have also been used to demonstrate the role of syntactic knowledge in the reading process.

6.   Few studies are such ambitious efforts to explain the entire set of gladiators in a political society.

7.   Field studies were also important for early efforts to monitor the environment, an area with which governments were increasingly concerned.

8.   Finally, deviant country studies are particularly useful for theory generation.

9.   His work on Phylloxera is mimicked by deft strokes, as are his studies of chicken cholera.

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study + v. >>共 367
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