1.   The study aimed to identify the housing needs of local people.

2.   The study aims to determine what effect recent developments in technology and slaughterhouse design have had on animal welfare standards.

3.   The study aims to see how far problems of these areas are caused by inadequate transport facilities.

4.   This study aims to examine the role of Protestant working class youth culture in transmitting loyalist ethnic and political identity.

5.   Secondly, this study aimed to discover as much as possible of the information which is potentially available to drivers, not just the occasional item of particular interest.

6.   The present study aimed to assess the accuracy of this technique in the diagnosis of PVO in a larger cohort of patients.

n. + aim >>共 860
talk 4.22%
company 3.97%
program 2.81%
project 2.42%
government 2.42%
plan 2.22%
measure 2.14%
law 1.61%
policy 1.47%
agreement 1.36%
study 0.83%
study + v. >>共 367
show 17.40%
find 13.47%
be 11.21%
suggest 6.62%
say 5.63%
indicate 2.87%
conclude 1.77%
look 1.24%
have 1.21%
confirm 1.02%
aim 0.25%
每页显示:    共 30