1.   Each student would teach at least one lesson on each visit.

2.   Yale graduate students who help teach undergraduates are withholding first-semester grades in an attempt to force the university to recognize their union.

3.   At Michigan and most other large research universities, graduate students teach and grade undergraduates in virtually every subject.

4.   College students teach traditional Indian music to reinforce a cultural heritage for children born in the United States.

5.   Everywhere around the world, home was of prime importance, as her students taught Ewald.

6.   Even at smaller private schools graduate students are teaching more classes.

7.   High school students teach older adults how to use a computer, and the elders, in turn, send e-mail to elementary students.

8.   In return, students would teach three years in beleaguered districts.

9.   In some cases, graduate students teach their own courses.

10.   School districts will be required to abandon bilingual education programs and teach students not fluent in English almost exclusively in English.

n. + teach >>共 677
school 5.58%
experience 5.21%
father 4.92%
mother 3.79%
history 3.31%
teacher 3.17%
parent 2.74%
program 1.75%
church 1.56%
professor 1.33%
student 0.80%
student + v. >>共 919
be 10.57%
say 4.47%
have 3.98%
take 2.79%
learn 2.10%
get 1.44%
go 1.25%
do 1.10%
come 1.02%
use 1.02%
teach 0.09%
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