1.   As with the peasantry, strong ties of loyalty and obligation tend to prevent the development of permanent horizontal links.

2.   Hofmann, especially, has strong ties to the East Bay, having lived his entire life there.

3.   Most important of these is the existence of strong ties of family and friendship.

4.   Strong family ties still linked them together.

5.   Strong personal ties connect her to the area.

6.   The army had strong ties with the agricultural population through the system of conscription.

7.   The Minister of Culture had strong ties with the Academy and determined its funding.

8.   They have strong ties to institutions of higher learning.

9.   Athens had strong ties to the Arab world.

10.   The diocese had strong ties with England and there were important commercial considerations.

a. + tie >>共 447
close 12.52%
diplomatic 9.65%
economic 8.39%
closer 5.96%
bilateral 4.41%
strong 4.28%
military 2.36%
family 2.34%
political 1.76%
scoreless 1.70%
strong + n. >>共 840
wind 3.45%
support 2.77%
demand 2.65%
growth 2.23%
dollar 2.21%
opposition 1.79%
economy 1.75%
performance 1.51%
earnings 1.50%
sale 1.43%
tie 1.17%
每页显示:    共 481