1.   Unlike numeric variables, string variables do not have a fixed length.

2.   When you create a string variable, the memory used is sufficient for the initial value of the string.

3.   Arrays of integer, real and string variables are allowed.

4.   The former is the familiar string variable whilst the latter means the string starting at memory location M.

5.   As a suffix on a variable name it indicates a string variable.

6.   Using OSCLI has the advantage that the file names may be string variables.

7.   String variables are written as the character bytes in the string plus a carriage-return.

n. + variable >>共 44
control 16.25%
string 8.75%
outcome 7.50%
loop 6.25%
measure 3.75%
account 2.50%
wind 2.50%
reflux 2.50%
speaker 2.50%
unit 2.50%
string + n. >>共 134
instrument 9.42%
theory 8.38%
player 7.85%
section 6.81%
sound 3.40%
cheese 3.14%
bikini 2.88%
theorist 2.62%
ensemble 2.09%
trio 2.09%
variable 1.83%
每页显示:    共 7