1.   ...stratospheric ozone.

2.   It has no effect on stratospheric ozone, and no measurable impact on climate.

3.   At ground level, ozone is hazardous to health, but stratospheric ozone is vital to life on earth.

4.   Environmentalists first raised concerns about the impact of rocket exhaust, particularly from solid fuel rockets, on stratospheric ozone about eight years ago.

5.   In addition to gravitational forces, pressure tides are caused, in part, by the absorption of sunlight by stratospheric ozone.

6.   Industrial chemicals, principally chlorofluorocarbons used as refrigerants, destroy stratospheric ozone.

7.   Noxious ground-level ozone is different from beneficial stratospheric ozone, which shields the planet from harmful ultraviolet rays.

8.   Stratospheric ozone is essential in protecting humans from carcinogenic ultraviolet solar radiation.

a. + ozone >>共 97
high 9.09%
antarctic 5.88%
low-level 5.35%
federal 4.81%
stratospheric 4.81%
low 3.74%
worst 3.21%
protective 2.14%
arctic 2.14%
highest 2.14%
stratospheric + n. >>共 49
level 11.24%
ozone 10.11%
price 8.99%
height 5.62%
wind 4.49%
cloud 3.37%
salary 3.37%
extreme 2.25%
flight 2.25%
market 2.25%
每页显示:    共 9