1.   Bush also announced that he was ordering the immediate lifting of the alert status of all strategic bombers and had directed their weapons to be put in storage.

2.   Not so today, when fighters and strategic bombers can fly across oceans in less than a day.

3.   Strategic bombers and land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles will make up the remaining half.

4.   The long-range strategic bomber, capable of flying between continents without refueling, is equipped with radar-jamming gear.

5.   The long-range strategic bomber, designed for nuclear attacks on the Soviet Union and capable of flying between continents without refueling, is equipped with radar-jamming gear.

6.   The program also helps Russia reduce its nuclear arsenal by helping the Russian government dismantle missile-carrying submarines, strategic bombers and missile silos.

7.   Throughout the Cold War years, Mosdok was a major Soviet strategic bomber base.

8.   What military dunce requested Stealth strategic bombers to fly halfway round the world and back to carry out a tactical mission?

9.   All Russian Air Force squadrons, including long-range strategic bomber units, have not been paid since February, the ITAR-Tass news agency said.

10.   Amid the din of power saws and bending metal, Defense Secretary William Perry watched Russian disarmament in action Tuesday at this strategic bomber base near the Volga River.

a. + bomber >>共 214
suspected 6.26%
palestinian 6.26%
the 5.45%
american 4.17%
convicted 4.17%
russian 3.82%
long-range 3.24%
heavy 3.01%
serial 2.78%
would-be 2.78%
strategic 2.55%
strategic + n. >>共 794
alliance 4.37%
partner 3.02%
plateau 2.66%
plan 2.28%
point 2.13%
importance 2.04%
interest 1.75%
location 1.71%
partnership 1.68%
town 1.61%
bomber 0.38%
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