1.   ...a new strategic arms reduction agreement.

2.   Almost immediately, the Communist-led Parliament registered its dissent by shelving plans to ratify the START II treaty slashing strategic nuclear arms.

3.   And the two sides are far apart on the related issue of slashing strategic arms, with the Russians insisting on deeper cuts.

4.   At the same time, however, Moscow has argued that the U.S. pursuit of a missile shield will undermine the basis for existing and future strategic arms treaties.

5.   Blair also speaks Russian fluently, a possible asset in upcoming talks between Washington and Moscow over missile defenses and strategic arms reductions.

6.   But the administration says it will not pursue such talks until Russia implements the latest strategic arms reduction accord.

7.   Coming next is the drafting of START III to achieve still deeper cuts in strategic offensive arms.

8.   Despite a series of Start agreements on strategic arms cuts, both America and Russia have many more weapons than they need.

9.   Each party shall determine for itself the composition and structure of its strategic offensive arms, based on the established aggregate limit for the number of such warheads.

10.   Grachev has also backed Russian cooperation with the American military and NATO, and has defended big cuts in strategic arms.

a. + arm >>共 1378
right 9.01%
left 7.88%
nuclear 7.18%
broken 3.30%
illegal 2.50%
international 2.23%
open 2.23%
strong 1.75%
upper 1.69%
new 1.51%
strategic 0.69%
strategic + n. >>共 794
alliance 4.37%
partner 3.02%
plateau 2.66%
plan 2.28%
point 2.13%
importance 2.04%
interest 1.75%
location 1.71%
partnership 1.68%
town 1.61%
arm 1.15%
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