1.   Strain juices into a saucepan and add jelly, wine, ginger, cayenne, and mustard.

2.   Strain the juice through a piece of gauze or a sieve.

3.   Empty the contents of the tomato can into a bowl, then strain the juice into the skillet.

4.   In large pitcher, combine strained juice with remaining tomato juice.

5.   Puree seeded chunks of melon, strain the juice, and shake it over ice with lemon-flavored vodka.

6.   Strain the juice into the bowl along with the grated zest.

7.   Strain cucumber juice from seeds into a large, clear glass pitcher.

8.   Strain pan juices into a sieve, discarding pieces of stalk.

9.   Strain the juice in the seed cavities and reserve, discarding seeds.

10.   Strain the juices, degrease and serve with the ham.

v. + juice >>共 197
add 9.53%
lime 7.20%
squeeze 5.51%
drink 5.19%
pour 4.45%
have 2.97%
reserve 2.75%
use 2.65%
get 2.22%
release 2.22%
strain 1.38%
strain + n. >>共 269
relation 27.52%
tie 5.69%
muscle 3.91%
relationship 3.85%
hamstring 3.24%
liquid 2.26%
ligament 2.26%
groin 2.20%
resource 2.20%
credulity 1.90%
juice 0.80%
每页显示:    共 13