1.   As winter strains to hold back spring, the woods offer the most satisfying solitary walks.

2.   I could feel the brand new stitches in my shoulder straining to hold my severed flesh together.

3.   I could feel the stitches in my shoulder straining to hold my severed flesh together.

4.   Your abdominal muscles are straining to hold your legs and pointed toes above the surface in a perfect split.

5.   Though they strained to hold their own in scrums they were physically overwhelmed in rucks and mauls.

v. + hold >>共 277
order 23.15%
use 7.76%
be 4.00%
say 2.79%
fight 2.67%
will 1.82%
believe 1.82%
build 1.70%
opt 1.45%
include 1.09%
strain 0.61%
strain + v. >>共 142
hear 11.92%
see 8.14%
keep 4.65%
get 3.78%
find 2.91%
catch 2.91%
be 2.62%
make 2.33%
keep_up 2.33%
remove 2.03%
hold 1.45%
每页显示:    共 5