1.   The aging of America will also strain government coffers as more and more Baby Boomers retire or become incapacitated, forcing up outlays for Social Security and Medicare.

2.   The government also wants to cut social security benefits because of an aging population and a slowing birth rate, which has strained government coffers.

3.   Government employers say higher wages would strain public coffers and necessitate public sector layoffs.

4.   State employers have warned that higher wages would strain public coffers and necessitate layoffs.

v. + coffer >>共 48
fill 27.22%
drain 7.59%
boost 5.06%
empty 5.06%
replenish 5.06%
swell 4.43%
deplete 3.80%
fatten 3.16%
open 3.16%
refill 2.53%
strain 2.53%
strain + n. >>共 269
relation 27.52%
tie 5.69%
muscle 3.91%
relationship 3.85%
hamstring 3.24%
liquid 2.26%
ligament 2.26%
groin 2.20%
resource 2.20%
credulity 1.90%
coffer 0.24%
每页显示:    共 4