1.   I saw Fiona in the street yesterday and she looked straight through me.

2.   He read the article straight through, looking for any scrap of information that might have passed him by.

3.   The tackle he made in the first few minutes when Giggs was straight through on Beeny must be enough to get him Young Player of the Year.

4.   Wallace was straight through on goal and missed as did the Tottenham player Barmby in the first half.

5.   The men took the digger from a nearby building site and drove it straight through the supermarket wall, shortly after four this morning.

6.   No, just mark on, just put a cross straight through.

7.   As the House breaks for its August recess Friday after working straight through the night, Republican leaders are grappling with a freshman rebellion over long hours.

8.   Instead, several sommeliers around town predict, the bonus babies who pushed the Bordeaux prices straight through the roof will return to comfort wines.

9.   Stanley asks himself, deciding to drive the Ferrari straight through a wall.

10.   That performance, to hear all of the descriptions and read the analyses, effectively ended competitive golf as we know it straight through the next millennium.

a. + through >>共 922
available 14.84%
halfway 8.25%
resolved 3.25%
visible 3.07%
moving 2.45%
possible 2.45%
accessible 1.71%
open 1.45%
lost 1.33%
midway 1.24%
straight 0.47%
straight + p. >>共 38
into 12.60%
from 11.83%
up 11.52%
to 11.37%
out_of 10.60%
at 6.61%
down 5.07%
on 4.15%
with 4.15%
in 3.84%
through 2.46%
每页显示:    共 16