1.   The story relates, that he spent all.

2.   A recent news story relates this sad fact.

3.   That story related allegations by Charles Pancerzewski, a former Microsoft internal auditor.

4.   The Los Angeles Daily News plans to move the following news stories related to the execution of William Bonin, scheduled shortly after midnight.

5.   The Los Angeles Daily News has MOVED the following news stories related to the execution of William Bonin.

6.   We will still move feature stories related to the series, however.

7.   With related stories as needed.

8.   With related story, MOVIE-INTERVIEW-OASIS.

9.   With related story, TAX-BREAKS, inside.

10.   The book presents some success stories related to this.

n. + relate >>共 658
charge 5.39%
people 3.27%
issue 2.82%
problem 2.50%
question 1.60%
information 1.54%
document 1.41%
cost 1.35%
case 0.96%
marriage 0.90%
story 0.71%
story + v. >>共 796
be 36.13%
have 4.31%
go 3.17%
begin 2.18%
move 2.10%
end 1.54%
come 1.52%
take 1.36%
become 1.28%
appear 1.24%
relate 0.12%
每页显示:    共 11