1.   The quiet hour could become the story hour.

2.   This need not detract from the magic of listening to a story or require any re-scheduling of the traditional story hour.

3.   At a library story hour, for example, a child may learn how to sit and listen to a story and share thoughts or ask questions.

4.   For young children, attending story hour at your library or at local bookstores can be a sociable way to enjoy books.

5.   In one corner, we should have a nursery and a story hour, and in the other a computer center with volunteer instructors.

6.   Many have free, but little-publicized, hikes, craft programs, story hours and other activities.

7.   Parents leaving the story hour with their children headed straight for what has become a requisite stop.

8.   Stroller-pushing moms and dads are among the biggest patrons of library and bookstore story hours these days.

9.   Take advantage of library story hours and discussion groups.

10.   The prisoners, like children at story hour, sat cross-legged before him in the dirt.

n. + hour >>共 498
morning 12.60%
work 8.39%
daylight 8.08%
lunch 7.74%
day 5.58%
office 4.45%
peak 4.25%
school 2.36%
overtime 1.95%
week 1.78%
story 0.38%
story + n. >>共 326
idea 6.75%
arc 2.97%
collection 2.83%
book 2.70%
ballet 1.75%
element 1.75%
window 1.75%
hour 1.48%
board 1.48%
building 1.48%
每页显示:    共 11