1.   Generally, these small stores do not keep fresh meat or vegetables.

2.   Although stores keep a seven-week supply on hand, all of it disappeared Tuesday and Wednesday, he said.

3.   And new stores would keep with the Asian character of the neighborhood, he said.

4.   As book and record stores keep morphing from small independents to Tower Records to Amazon.com, one would think that our range of interests would grow exponentially.

5.   At Christmastime, the Manhattan store kept selling out.

6.   A good country store keeps most anything in stock.

7.   Even off-reservation stores are keeping prices low.

8.   Energy-saving fluorescent bulbs, once eschewed as too expensive and unattractive, are hard for stores to keep in stock.

9.   Hatcher said the store normally keeps only two or three maps of each country or region.

10.   In August, the demand for snow blowers was so high that stores could not keep them in stock.

n. + keep >>共 1691
company 2.08%
police 2.07%
government 1.88%
people 1.78%
official 1.14%
investor 1.03%
injury 0.89%
team 0.87%
price 0.72%
man 0.64%
store 0.16%
store + v. >>共 635
be 19.60%
have 8.04%
sell 5.95%
open 3.86%
carry 3.05%
offer 2.71%
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