1.   Another way to counter the Iraqi threat is to store equipment in the Persian Gulf area that American forces could use in a crisis.

2.   Armories are cavernous buildings with concrete floors more suitable for storing equipment and for short-term housing emergencies, like earthquakes and floods.

3.   A motorcycle rider, he had nowhere to store his equipment.

4.   But one advantage to the location were closets, which proved ideal for storing equipment.

5.   Cox has stored the equipment in three rented storage bins and the garage at the house of his late father.

6.   Expensive equipment is stored in hallways and draped with plastic sheeting to protect it from rain dripping from the ceiling.

7.   The Army has already stored enough equipment in Kuwait for a brigade.

8.   The Pentagon has opened negotiations with the United Arab Emirates to store the equipment there instead.

9.   Another possibility is agreements that permit the U.S. military to store equipment for use in the event of a regional crisis.

10.   Bases in Oman and Qatar used by the United States to store military equipment could also be reached, he said.

v. + equipment >>共 633
use 9.10%
buy 4.84%
make 4.62%
sell 4.04%
install 3.62%
have 2.89%
provide 2.57%
supply 2.05%
carry 1.87%
purchase 1.51%
store 0.32%
store + n. >>共 614
datum 6.61%
information 6.61%
waste 3.17%
water 2.90%
weapon 2.37%
amount 1.74%
food 1.61%
file 1.56%
energy 1.52%
material 1.52%
equipment 0.71%
每页显示:    共 16