1.   A three-man OAU delegation arrived in the Zairian capital of Kinshasa on Thursday to urge both countries to stop hostilities.

2.   Ali Mahdi Mohamed, who controls north Mogadishu, called on all factions Friday to exercise restraint and stop the hostilities.

3.   An international Islamic relief group Thursday called on Muslim countries to intervene to stop armed hostilities between India and Pakistan over Kashmir.

4.   At that time, she predicted Kosovo would be engulfed in a humanitarian catastrophe if world attention did not focus on stopping the hostilities.

5.   Even as the U.N. refugee agency resumed aid convoys, there was much doubt the Yugoslav president would meet demands and stop hostilities toward ethnic Albanians.

6.   Fighting has continued unabated in Bihac despite a four-month cease-fire that stopped hostilities in much of Bosnia last month.

7.   In Kazakstan, the Foreign Ministry called for urgent measures to stop hostilities and seek a political solution in Afghanistan.

8.   Its mandate was to stop hostilities and assist civilian authorities in their efforts to rebuild Bosnia.

9.   Mission head Tim Guldimann said the separatists were ready for a meeting, but were demanding that the Russians stop hostilities first.

10.   Russian and Chechen negotiators reached an agreement Sunday to stop hostilities, disarm Chechen separatists and withdraw federal troops from the rebellious republic, news agencies reported.

v. + hostility >>共 225
end 18.69%
cease 5.88%
face 4.73%
resume 2.77%
express 2.65%
halt 2.42%
stop 2.31%
encounter 1.73%
prevent 1.61%
contain 1.50%
stop + n. >>共 1227
car 3.21%
attack 3.20%
violence 2.50%
fight 1.86%
work 1.65%
people 1.50%
traffic 1.18%
flow 1.15%
run 1.13%
vehicle 1.12%
hostility 0.12%
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