1.   Another fix will not stop ice dams but might stop the leaks.

2.   If the dam is stopped, it means the images will be exposed to the public.

3.   Major dams have been stopped in midconstruction in Malaysia, India and Eastern Europe when the governments found that the benefits were uncertain and the costs enormous.

4.   There seems to be no way to stop the dam, despite protests from environmentalists, human rights groups and foreign governments.

5.   Environmental groups, who have campaigned to stop the dam, said they were delighted.

6.   Tugade warned that the tribe, which hunted heads until half a century ago, would resume the practice if the dam were not stopped.

v. + dam >>共 143
build 28.37%
breach 5.95%
remove 5.36%
operate 2.18%
construct 2.18%
prevent 2.18%
use 2.18%
burst 1.59%
open 1.19%
complete 1.19%
stop 1.19%
stop + n. >>共 1227
car 3.21%
attack 3.20%
violence 2.50%
fight 1.86%
work 1.65%
people 1.50%
traffic 1.18%
flow 1.15%
run 1.13%
vehicle 1.12%
dam 0.04%
每页显示:    共 6