1.   Classification of the disease course and calculation of the mean stool frequency were both based on the highest level of disease activity experienced during the entire study.

2.   There were no significant differences in the ages, weights, or stool frequency between the three groups.

3.   Earlier studies with cholera toxin in man revealed an increase in stool frequency and volume, and intestinal secretion after administration of various preparations of cholera toxin.

4.   Loperamide oxide decreased stool frequency and weight.

5.   Stool frequency and volume decreased and bile acid absorption increased after treatment.

n. + frequency >>共 104
flight 10.87%
stool 8.26%
television 3.91%
microwave 3.48%
carrier 3.48%
bowel 2.61%
allele 2.61%
vibration 2.17%
air 1.74%
citation 1.74%
stool + n. >>共 23
frequency 19.39%
sample 19.39%
incontinence 13.27%
weight 8.16%
test 7.14%
collection 3.06%
culture 3.06%
output 3.06%
softener 3.06%
bulk 2.04%
每页显示:    共 19