1.   A police car was stoned by onlookers as it chased a stolen car which later crashed into a lampost.

2.   And once the Sabbath ended, armed Jewish settlers began blocking junctions, Israeli television said, and in some cases stoning cars that had Palestinian license plates.

3.   At the neighboring Jewish settlement of Itamar, two residents were arrested after they were accused of beating a disabled Palestinian after their car was stoned.

4.   A funeral convoy from his settlement of Rosh Tzurim to Jerusalem was secured Monday by military jeeps and two helicopters, and angry settlers later stoned Arab cars.

5.   A Ganim settler named Motti Biton was killed by Palestinians when he stopped at an Arab store, and many others found that their cars were being stoned.

6.   A three-month old Israeli baby was hurt when Palestinians stoned a car near Bethlehem.

7.   Earlier on Thursday, they had rallied at a pro-autonomy march, and they were headed home when their car was stoned at a bridge.

8.   On Monday, a Jewish settler shot and seriously wounded a Palestinian in the West Bank, reportedly after his car was stoned.

9.   One Israeli civilian motorist was killed when his car was stoned.

v. + car >>共 652
drive 6.53%
stop 3.48%
buy 3.32%
park 3.16%
sell 3.06%
steal 2.68%
damage 2.25%
have 1.92%
hit 1.64%
use 1.61%
stone 0.73%
stone + n. >>共 115
car 19.93%
soldier 9.79%
bus 8.72%
vehicle 8.54%
police 7.65%
troop 6.58%
convoy 1.60%
building 1.60%
man 1.42%
shop 1.25%
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