1.   His stomach pained him greatly, the result of too much stress and too few answers.

2.   Symptoms include blurred vision, stomach pains, sometimes loss of sleep and bad dreams, and, of course, a bad test grade.

3.   The stomach pains.

4.   The nausea, stomach pains and constant retching have put her in the hospital nine times this year.

n. + pain >>共 37
chest 8.51%
stomach 8.51%
elbow 4.26%
dalliance 4.26%
memory 4.26%
sharp 4.26%
child 2.13%
disaster 2.13%
downstairs 2.13%
effect 2.13%
stomach + v. >>共 101
be 21.45%
churn 7.54%
turn 5.80%
ache 5.22%
tighten 3.77%
hurt 2.90%
rumble 2.90%
growl 2.61%
have 1.74%
take 1.74%
pain 1.16%
每页显示:    共 4