1.   Everytime, I thought about it, I felt physically sick and my stomach knotted...

2.   The stomach knots.

3.   When he saw the shattered watermelons, his stomach knotted.

4.   My stomach knotted in spasms of loathing and guilt.

n. + knot >>共 17
stomach 18.18%
brow 9.09%
tie 9.09%
biceps 4.55%
bit 4.55%
blouse 4.55%
cardinal 4.55%
crowd 4.55%
dread 4.55%
few 4.55%
stomach + v. >>共 101
be 21.45%
churn 7.54%
turn 5.80%
ache 5.22%
tighten 3.77%
hurt 2.90%
rumble 2.90%
growl 2.61%
have 1.74%
take 1.74%
knot 1.16%
每页显示:    共 4