1.   This medicine neutralizes stomach acids.

2.   An overstretched stomach causes the esophageal sphincter to open, allowing stomach acid to flow up.

3.   And studies have shown that Bt is not toxic to mammals, even at the highest dose tested, and that the proteins rapidly degrade in the stomach acid.

4.   And this organism has an unusual resistance to acid, including stomach acid, which we usually count on to kill harmful bacteria.

5.   And there is the healing potato that regulates excess stomach acid, although its ties to Genghis Khan are less clear.

6.   Apparently, stomach acid is much worse these days.

7.   Bananas are one bland food that may be helpful, however, because they apparently thicken the stomach lining, protecting it from stomach acid.

8.   Because it is unclear when Prince swallowed the condoms, his stomach acid could have been working on them for days.

9.   Both products increase the stomach acid necessary for digestion.

10.   After certain tests, they cannot lie down, because their stomach acids could interact with the drugs.

n. + acid >>共 97
stomach 20.48%
battery 8.03%
aristolochic 5.62%
retinoic 4.02%
ursodeoxycholic 3.61%
betulinic 3.21%
domoic 2.81%
eicosapentaenoic 2.81%
lithocholic 2.41%
chenodeoxycholic 2.01%
stomach + n. >>共 125
pain 12.29%
cancer 11.16%
virus 7.71%
problem 7.52%
muscle 6.27%
ulcer 5.45%
ailment 4.70%
flu 4.14%
cramp 3.82%
ache 3.32%
acid 3.20%
每页显示:    共 51