1.   But the young fish still suffer and stocks are dwindling, so that fish-eating birds such as the reef egret are Decreasing in numbers.

2.   Chances are the stock will dwindle each time the toaster pops up or a pan of biscuits is pulled from the oven.

3.   That stock dwindled rapidly -- including replacement clams for company employees whose toppers kept getting stolen.

4.   The city remained without electricity, water and gas, and its food stocks were dwindling.

5.   But Kabila may choose to encircle the city, and hold back to reinforce while its stocks dwindle and discipline erodes.

6.   Fishing industries on both sides of the Atlantic are in crisis and worldwide fish stocks are dwindling, driving more fishermen to fight for less fish.

7.   Food stocks are dwindling and drinking water is scarce.

8.   Food stocks are dwindling, and drinking water is scarce.

9.   Gasoline and food stocks were dwindling seriously in many areas of Brazil Wednesday, the third day of a nationwide truck strike involving thousands of trucks, officials said.

10.   International aid organizations say food stocks are dwindling in Sarajevo and in other besieged government-held enclaves throughout the country.

n. + dwindle >>共 304
number 12.01%
supply 8.13%
population 2.79%
reserve 2.67%
crowd 2.31%
revenue 1.94%
support 1.82%
stock 1.58%
audience 1.33%
rank 1.21%
stock + v. >>共 329
fall 18.01%
rise 15.56%
be 12.01%
close 2.41%
tumble 1.54%
rally 1.48%
decline 1.48%
trade 1.43%
continue 1.35%
gain 1.27%
dwindle 0.05%
每页显示:    共 13