1.   HEALTH chiefs on Merseyside have received a stinging rebuff from Walton Labour MP Peter Kilfoyle.

2.   But that in itself was a stinging rebuff to the scandal-ridden egotist in the White House.

3.   Angry voters handed President Boris Yeltsin a stinging rebuff Monday as Communists and right-wing nationalists determined to roll back democratic reforms scored big wins in parliamentary elections.

4.   Fresh from vacation, Helmut Kohl issued a stinging rebuff to his finance minister Monday for opening public discussion on a possible Cabinet shuffle in his absence.

5.   He made the statement in Sarajevo after receiving a stinging rebuff from Serb leader Radovan Karadzic who refused to meet with him except in Serb-controlled territory.

6.   But he received a stinging rebuff from Serb leader Radovan Karadzic who refused to meet him at all except on Serb-controlled territory.

7.   The Serb leadership delivered a stinging rebuff to the UN chief by refusing to meet him for talks except on their own territory.

8.   On Wednesday the Serb leadership delivered a stinging rebuff to UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali by refusing to meet him for talks except on their own territory.

a. + rebuff >>共 50
stinging 10.26%
recent 5.13%
apparent 3.85%
diplomatic 3.85%
humiliating 3.85%
public 3.85%
second 3.85%
sharp 3.85%
lebanese 2.56%
palestinian 2.56%
stinging + n. >>共 175
criticism 7.97%
defeat 7.77%
rebuke 7.57%
attack 6.37%
eye 2.59%
dissent 1.99%
setback 1.99%
loss 1.79%
rebuff 1.59%
shot 1.39%
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