1.   But displaying how the reports are used for current political purposes, Christopher sharply criticized Cuba for stifling dissent and shooting down civilian airplanes.

2.   But critics of the dominant Russian Orthodoxy maintain that its real goal is to stifle dissent within its ranks and wrest religious property from minority Orthodox groups.

3.   But some civil libertarians contended that the policy was an effort by the Giuliani administration to stifle dissent.

4.   China stifles dissent, supplies weapons components to rogue states and does not adhere to international trading regimes, the president said.

5.   He also promised to honor IMF commitments and vowed to review anti-subversion laws that have stifled dissent at home.

6.   He admires the slyness of KGB efforts to stifle dissent in the Soviet era and regrets the haste with which Moscow exited Eastern Europe.

7.   Is Congress handing the next president the weapon that so many dictatorships use to stifle dissent and hide misdeeds?

8.   The policy has drawn fire from several groups and from some politicians, who have charged that Giuliani, a frequent target of protests, sought to stifle dissent.

9.   This stifles dissent, he said.

10.   Western diplomats say he is not adverse to using force and intimidation to swiftly stifle dissent.

v. + dissent >>共 149
suppress 13.64%
stifle 9.43%
tolerate 8.13%
crush 5.95%
write 4.35%
silence 2.61%
join 2.61%
brook 2.47%
face 2.18%
express 2.03%
stifle + n. >>共 297
competition 10.46%
dissent 6.02%
growth 5.46%
inflation 3.98%
innovation 2.96%
debate 2.59%
freedom 2.59%
yawn 2.50%
criticism 2.22%
opposition 2.04%
每页显示:    共 65