1.   And they say a boycott, backed by an effective voter education and registration drive, could stiffen the spine of politicians who are wavering on the issue.

2.   By rallying behind Clinton now, we get into position to stiffen his spine if he goes wobbly, or to push him upward when escalation is required.

3.   China has rhetorically enlisted in the war on terror, helped stiffen the spine of its ally Pakistan and offered quiet intelligence help.

4.   That stiffing stiffened the spines of moderates who might just dare.

5.   The Democrats also need to stiffen their spines.

6.   This was the new, tenacious Agassi, the champion who has steeled his belly and stiffened his spine.

7.   When Clinton would waver at crucial moments, Gore would stiffen his spine by delivering lengthy soliloquies about morality and the right of the Bosnians to defend themselves.

v. + spine >>共 97
damage 6.57%
have 4.55%
sever 4.55%
stabilize 4.55%
injure 3.54%
stiffen 3.54%
lengthen 2.53%
break 2.53%
straighten 2.53%
up 2.53%
stiffen + n. >>共 89
penalty 24.27%
resolve 14.24%
resistance 4.53%
sanction 3.88%
competition 3.56%
punishment 3.56%
rule 2.59%
sentence 2.27%
spine 2.27%
law 1.94%
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