1.   Always sterilize the needle to prevent infection.

2.   Has the needle been sterilized?

3.   Ordinary chlorine bleach kills the virus on contact and can be used to sterilize needles between uses.

4.   Sterilize the needle in boiling water.

5.   You can sterilize a needle by holding it in a flame.

6.   Despite repeated arrests, activists hand out information, condoms and bleach to sterilize intravenous needles for drug abusers who shoot up nearby.

v. + needle >>共 149
share 13.58%
insert 8.49%
use 7.55%
stick 5.28%
thread 4.91%
find 3.02%
take 2.45%
remove 2.08%
have 1.89%
exchange 1.70%
sterilize 1.13%
sterilize + n. >>共 69
equipment 15.63%
woman 6.25%
instrument 5.47%
jar 4.69%
needle 4.69%
water 3.91%
dog 3.13%
product 2.34%
soil 2.34%
people 1.56%
每页显示:    共 6