1.   The above procedures were performed in a laminar flow hood using conventional sterile techniques.

2.   Surgery was first attempted without the benefit of anesthesia or sterile technique.

3.   The panel was especially impressed with the safety of acupuncture when used by well-trained therapists following sterile techniques.

4.   Plans call for the use of a sterile drilling technique that will prevent contaminating the lake with bacteria introduced from the surface.

5.   Blowflies mate only once and repeated use of the sterile insect technique could, in theory, wipe out the species in New Zealand.

6.   Sterile insect technique a success to check pests, NEW STRAITS TIMES-

a. + technique >>共 1362
new 9.74%
same 2.40%
different 1.78%
similar 1.39%
modern 1.35%
basic 1.33%
surgical 1.15%
cooking 1.03%
proper 1.03%
marketing 1.01%
sterile 0.12%
sterile + n. >>共 170
environment 2.97%
syrinx 2.97%
water 2.64%
seed 2.64%
condition 2.64%
needle 2.31%
technique 1.98%
insect 1.98%
one 1.65%
mouse 1.65%
每页显示:    共 6