1.   The University has already taken steps to promote this growth and the Department will play the major role in these activities.

2.   As secretary-general I have taken every conceivable step to promote the adoption of methods that would lead to a more stable financial footing.

3.   But now the tourism industry, especially Disney, is trying to ease complaints by taking steps to promote cultural awareness among Brazilians and Americans.

4.   But the public is subliminally confused when the president steps down to go on the Larry King show after King promoted the candidacy of Ross Perot.

5.   Gov. William F. Weld and the Legislature responded with tax breaks for manufacturers, while the public utilities department took preliminary steps to promote competitive pricing of electricity.

6.   It says government should increase its enforcement of laws against discrimination and company CEOs should take steps to promote more women and minorities into senior positions.

7.   The General Assembly approved a sweeping resolution Friday calling on the secretary general to take steps to promote democratization and strengthen the election process worldwide.

8.   A group of students calling itself the Transylvania Anti-Hate Coalition met with Shearer and other administrators Tuesday and asked them to take steps to promote diversity and combat bigotry.

9.   He also said that in line with the current economic situation, Fama was taking steps to promote local fruits and vegetables and increase the planting hectarage.

10.   He said this step would promote a greater flow of private capital to countries primarily dependent on the multilateral banks and foreign aid from individual countries.

n. + promote >>共 641
company 5.28%
government 5.05%
pressure 4.25%
wind 2.27%
group 1.99%
official 1.82%
program 1.64%
step 1.19%
breeze 1.19%
disturbance 1.02%
step + v. >>共 801
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improve 2.27%
protect 2.05%
include 1.86%
prevent 1.81%
ensure 1.80%
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